Fueltech é bom mesmo ?
barato é motec, 18000 reais o modelo basico c/ sensores e mais de 45000 o modelo top.
voce esta projetando um modulo ou não entendi direito?
quem quer saber de motec se dapra conseguir aem por 4~5 mil
palavras do dono do carrro, só estou postando a copia de outro forum:
acabei de vir da fast break, onde preparei meu cabeçote e meu motor , to muito satisfeito com o resultado, e com o atendimento, meu carro ta com 1,2 kg na turbina, bicos originais , acerto de inje?ao e um filtro esportivo, e ta na gasolina. passamos no dino e ja rendeu 283,5cv a 5500rpm e 39,3 de torque , so lembrado, de prepara?ao nao gastei nem mil reais, e ainda ta em fase de acerto pode vir mais potencia, depois posto o grafico ,o carro nao da um buraco ta muito liso. isso tudo sem unichip ainda e bico extra ,imagina depois.
diz ele que a turbina é a original 42/48 …
será ?
eu acho injeção do tempra stile muito boa…só ter alguem que saiba fazer o chip dela que fica show...de preferencia em tempo real...
fora que os bicos originais são uns chuveirinhos...hehehe...devem de alimentar uns 1,8~2 bar esses bicos
eu acho um disperdicio tirar uma injeção destas pra botar fueltech...mas cada um cada um né...
quem quer saber de motec se dapra conseguir aem por 4~5 mil
você já comparou uma e outra?..a diferença é grande.
você já comparou uma e outra?..a diferença é grande.
ja comparei, m800 e m48pro, sem levar em conta modulos de telemetria de pista, e alguns recursos só uteis em circuito , aem superior.
não esquecendo que no dono da aem é o ex engenheiro chefe de desenvolvimento da motec
comparadas na abadia competições, voce deve conhecer o chico e o seu jorge…
você já comparou uma e outra?..a diferença é grande.
no que a motec é melhor que a aem?
posta ai…....
eu acho injeção do tempra stile muito boa…só ter alguem que saiba fazer o chip dela que fica show...de preferencia em tempo real...
fora que os bicos originais são uns chuveirinhos...hehehe...devem de alimentar uns 1,8~2 bar esses bicos
eu acho um disperdicio tirar uma injeção destas pra botar fueltech...mas cada um cada um né...
tb acho um deserdicio…essa motronic eh muito interessante...
os bicos originais, apesar de ser um dos maiores bicos multiponto nacionais, nao alimenta nem 0,9 direito, garanto... se mexer na largura de pulso, seja com flextreco ou chip ou o que quer q vc queira, no maximo consegue uns 1.3 kg... com os bicos ja no limite... se for alcool, 1kg, estourando 1.1kg, tb no limite dos bicos...
tem quem ande com 1.7kg direto... sem mexer nos bicos... so com hpi, achando que estah rodando com mistura correta... estah sim pondo a prova a resistencia desse motor, que eh grande, felizmente....
olha, utilizo a ft em 90% dos carro que faão na venom. é um excelente equipamento e bem instalado pode deixar seu motor perfeito em termos de regulagem. ja fiz carros com 500 cavalos que são utilizados no dia a dia e capazes de fazer 7 km/litro de alcool andando a 110 km/h. mas para o seu tt andar com a potencia desejada e com segurança em relação a durabilidade voce vai necessitar de mais componentes fidedignos, como um novo intercooler, turbo corretamente dimensionado, injetores, sistema de escapamento, um perfeito gerenciamento do sistema de ignição e injeção etc…
algumas pessoas podem até fazer seu motor chegar forçadamente a potencia pretendida a um custo menor e fazendo poucas substituições de peças, (tipo colocar mais pressão e acertar o chip ), mas a dor de cabeça é certa, isso não funciona em uma preparação segura, profissional e confiavel por uma infinidade de motivos.
se a calibração no chip for bem feita o resultado é n vezes melhor que a fueltech em termos de consumo com certeza, e arrisco dizer que em emissões e também performance no geral.
basta ver uma ecu dos modelos mais xumbr?gas (tipo gol 1.6 mi - iaw 1avp ou avb) e ver a estratégia dela… mapas de combustável, ponto, afr, correção de ponto e combustável por temperatura, além de atraso de ponto quando h? detonação.
claro que a fueltech conta com algumas dessas estratégias acima citadas, o lance eh que nunca vai chegar aos pos de uma ecu de fábrica. um módulo desses é perfeito qndo original (como vc msmo disse) e também pode ser perfeito (ou quase) quando remapeado por pessoa capacitada e com equipamentos adequados (leia-se software e emulador em tempo real, que não custam nem um pouco barato).
agora no quesito versatilidade pra acertar, a fueltech eh uma ótima vantagem, já que vc acerta tudo ali no controlador...
mesmo em uma adaptação mais complexa eu ainda acho vantajoso usar o módulo original (veja o caso do copyman que usa a motronic de vectra) tanto que tb tou optando por esse caminho ... deixando o chip pronto com avanço acertado pro turbo e combustável pra parte aspirada. qnd tiver pressão, use um módulo tipo mgb-t, his, fueltech ou sei lá o que pra comandar o(s) bico(s).
por favor não me leve a mal, pois são diferentes as linhas de pensamentos minhas e suas. entretanto convóm expor ambos os lados em um ambiente democr?tico
no que a motec é melhor que a aem?
posta ai…....
não estou desmerecendo o aem, mas simplesmente não tem nem como começar a comparação de equipamento para equipamento.
para começar não conheão carro de circuito que utilize o equipamento (digo carro de ponta ou de equipe importante). somente carros de d1 patrocinados por ela e carros de arrancada.
já o motec é utilizado na grande maioria dos carros de rally, formulas, dtm, drag race, pikes, circuito, inclusive na f1.
pequenas diferenças:
análise de frenagem e aceleração em tempo real e armazenível.
posicionamento de direção,
indica rotação do diferencial, pneus, carda, (se houver), embreagem…
indica inclinação de carroceria, aceleração g, o que dá para saber se os amortecedores estão corretos ou não.
é largamente utilizada em carros ?sériosó de competição de circuito, rally e drag race.
faz compensações imediatas program?veis por mapas individuais e ou interligados para: relações de marchas, altitude, egt, pressão de escapamento, pressão de combustivel, pressão de turbo, temperatura de combustável, temperatura de ar, rotação de rodas (independentes se for o caso), lambda...
é a única que conheão e testei capaz de controlar bicos injetores de 1600cc com a máxima perfeição, até podendo controlar os bicos de 1600cc na marcha lenta, inclusive podendo monitorar e controlar os bicos individualmente.
todos os sensores possuem alarme individual.
é capaz de monitorar a temperatura da caixa de marchas, diferencial e embreagem.
possui 1mega de memória para armazenamento.
pode controlar em sistema em modo seq?encial individualmente a cada injetor.
os mapas de injeção e ignição são 20 x 40
podem trabalhar com wideband nkt
pode operar em modo de segurança programóvel
possui função de auto-ajuste e correção.
pode ser conectada a vêrios sensores imagin?veis e operar sobre os mesmos.
pode ser ligada a um painel fornecido pelo fabricante.
pode ser ligada a até oito sensores termocouple nas sa?das de escapamento, inclusive monitorando veículos como top fuel.
controla ponto e injeção para largada e diversas fases de aceleração e/ou parametros diversos...
tem 16 entradas anal?gicas, 4 digitais, e 8 saidas para acessórios que podem ser monitorados e alterados pelo modulo, fora os módulos de expansão.
e tem mais....
sequential fuel injection - sequential means that each injector for each cylinder is triggered only one time during the engine s cycle. typically the injector is triggered only during the intake stroke. true sequential injection requires the ecu to know not only where top dead center is, but also which half of the cycle the engine is on. tdc on a 4 stroke occurs 2 times during the cycle, once on compression and once on exhaust. motec references all timing events that occur within the ecu, to top dead center compression. this generally requires an input on the engine s camshaft to provide the ecu with a sync signal. once the ecu is synched, injection timing can be optimized to provide the most efficient mixing of fuel and air into the cylinder. control of injection timing can lead to increases in midrange torque while decreasing emissions and fuel consumption.
semi-sequential fuel injection - semi-sequential means that 2 or more cylinder s injectors are triggered at the same time, but only 1 time during the engine s cycle. this requires the ecu to be synched with the engine s cycle. typically injection timing is retarded from the optimum timing point for full sequential by an angle which is equal to 1/2 the angle between 2 cylinders in crankshaft degrees. on a v8 chevrolet, the injectors for cylinders 1 and 8 would be triggered at the same time. they would be triggered 45 degrees late for cylinder number 1 and 45 degrees early for cylinder number 8. degrees between 1 and 8 = 90 ; 1/2 of 90 = 45. semi-sequential allows optimization of injection timing which typically leads to increases in midrange torque and a reduction in fuel consumption for equivalent power compared which batch fire.
injection timing - with a synced engine which uses 1 injector in each intake manifold runner, it is possible to phase the firing of the injector so that it only sprays during the intake stroke. this allows you to introduce fuel into the intake stream precisely at the time when the airflow into the cylinder is the greatest providing the best possible atomization and the highest efficiency. motec offers a user definable 2 or 3 dimensional injection timing adjustment table so that you can accurately match any engine s injection timing demands. tuners can select either beginning or end of injection on which to base the timing table. this allows the tuner the ultimate in adjustability to suit any engine combination. with the m4 and m48 ecu s injection timing is adjustable in 5 degree increments while the m400/600/800 series offer .1 degree resolution making them suitable for gasoline or diesel direct injection.
batch fire - batch fire means that 2 or more injectors are triggered at the same time once every crankshaft revolution. if the ecu is synched with the engine s cycle, the injection timing can only be half optimized as fuel is injected both on the intake stroke and on the power stroke. companion cylinders are paired in batch fire mode similar to wasted spark ignition modes. the advantage of batch firing is that the ecu needs only to know where tdc is. this means that a sync on the cam is not required. the disadvantage to batch firing is that the injector dead time is doubled for the engine s cycle. this leads to a decrease in fuel flow and typically requires a larger, less efficient injector to be used to make up for the loss of flow. on high horsepower applications this means the idle quality will suffer tremendously.
injector dead time - injector dead time refers to the latency of the injector in producing maximum flow rate. all injectors require a certain amount of time to open completely and produce maximum flow. the amount of time is dependant on several variables including; fuel pressure, battery voltage and physical characteristics of the injectors themselves. typically higher fuel pressure or lower battery voltage tends to increase the dead time. this leads to a reduction in fuel flow in to the engine and as a result influences the engine s state of tune. luckily motec allows the user to define an injector dead time table if the values are known, or use a standard compensation which is known for a number of injectors. the ecu automatically adjusts the values as the battery voltage changes to ensure that the fuel curve remains constant. if a fuel pressure input is used on the system, motec can compensate for variations in fuel pressure to achieve a consistent fueling even with varying fuel pressures.
bank to bank - multipoint - bank to bank - multipoint is the least efficient electronic method of injecting fuel into an engine. each injector is physically located in a position which allows its fuel output to be delivered to a single cylinder, but the fuel is injected once per rev and injection timing is of no real value even if the ecu is synched to the engine s cycle because an entire bank of cylinder s injectors are fired at the same time. the advantage of bank to bank is that the ecu typically does not need to be synched at all. this makes it a simple retrofit to engines which never used crank or cam triggers, because it can run the engine with simply 1 pulse per cylinder firing. ignition timing can still be adjusted, but it is required that the engine use a mechanical distributor to distribute spark from 1 coil. no individual cylinder trimming is possible.
individual cylinder trim - when an ecu is synched to the engine s cycle, it becomes possible to individually adjust a cylinder s ignition advance and also if the engine is full sequential, the amount of fuel which is supplied to that cylinder. motec allows individual overall trims of each cylinder s ignition and fuel quantity in all models. in the m4 and the m400/600/800, individual cylinder trim tables are provided which allow the tuner to vary the timing and the fueling based on rpm and load. typically fully variable ignition advance requires the use of multiple coils to avoid rotor-tip to cap-terminal alignment problems which may lead to spark scatter. additionally if a single inductive type coil is used, it is possible if high fluctuations in advance occur between cylinders, that the coil does not have sufficient time to charge which leads to reduced coil output energy and possible misfire.
bank to bank - singlepoint - singlepoint involves placing the injectors in a single common injection point in the inlet path. this is typically done on roots or screw supercharged engines and some normally aspirated engines. this provides the least efficient method of using electronic fuel injection. about the only method which provides less control is carburetion. from a power standpoint, single point is not tremendously worse. fuel consumption is typically significantly increased over any of the above methods. there is virtually no control possible as far as each cylinder is concerned and the inherent problems of delivering 2 substances with differing mass through the same passages an into the combustion chamber are present. the advantage of singlepoint is that it does not require the ecu to be synched in any way. motec makes an attempt to smooth out the fuel delivery of singlepoint by triggering the injector drives in a staggered manner. this provides a smoother more consistent delivery of fuel and reduces the instantaneous drain on the battery/charging system which can lead to ignition misfire in other systems.
narrow band lambda - narrow band lambda provides an output voltage between .1v and 1.0v dc based on the oxygen differential between the exhaust pipe and the atmosphere. this can give an indication of the air fuel ratio at which the engine is running however the sensor range is limited to ratios of about 14.0:1 (1.0v) and 15.4:1(.1v). at ratios beyond this range, the sensor output does not increase or decrease making it virtually useless for tuning an engine for anything other than steady state cruising. the advantage of narrow band lambda comes into play while trying to keep emissions in check. the sensor provides a signal to the ecu which basically indicates either rich (output voltage above .5v air fuel less than 14.7) or lean (output voltage below .5v air fuel greater than 14.7) but really does not describe to what degree the mixture is either rich or lean. this is fits perfectly in with the need for perturbation of today s 3 way catalysts which need excess air to catalyze hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide, and excess fuel with which to reduce oxides of nitrogen. because of this requirement by the catalyst, narrow band lambda control is constantly varying the air/fuel ratio both slightly above and below 14.7:1 in such a manner that the average air fuel ratio is maintained at 14.7:1. most engines in use today, produce peak power with air fuel ratios in the 12:1 - 13.5:1 range well below the measuring capability of a narrow band lambda sensor. it is for this reason that narrow band lambda is of no help for high loads and or rpm s.
wide band lambda - wide band lambda provides the ecu with a specific definition of the air fuel ratio at which the engine is currently running. wide band sensors are able to depict air fuel ratio s as rich as 10.5:1 and as lean as 18:1 and report the exact lambda to the ecu. this is done a number of ways. motec m4 and m48 ecu s use bosch 4 wire wide band lambda sensors to measure wide band lambda. motec m400/600/800/880 ecu s use either the bosch lsu or the ntk uego 5 wire wide band lambda sensor. motec then uses this information to determine the actual lambda and displays this on the console and or uses it for lambda control if the ecu is set up to do so.
4 wire wide band lambda sensor - this technology takes advantage of the fact that a 4 wire wide band lambda sensor s voltage output is based on not only the oxygen differential between the exhaust pipe and atmosphere, but also is dependant on the temperature of the sensor itself. sensor impedance varies with temperature, so a motec ecu measures not only wide band lambda voltage, but also the sensor impedance. it is not possible to properly display lambdas without monitoring the sensor temperature. systems which do not use at least a 4 wire sensor typically have errors in displayed lambda as high as 8%
5 wire wide band lambda sensor - this newer technology is used to determine the air fuel ratio of an engine by measuring lambda sensor output and measuring the current required to hold the sensor voltage output constant. an oxygen sensor produces voltage and a small amount of current as oxygen atoms pass across its substrate from high concentration to low concentration. the greater the flow of oxygen, the greater the voltage produced. this is the case when a rich mixture is encountered. conversely, when current is applied to an oxygen sensor, oxygen atoms are moved from a low concentration to a high concentration or vice versa depending on the polarity of the current applied. the motec m400/600/800/880 ecu s are capable of measuring this type of sensor input which offers increased speed and accuracy over the older technology 4 wire sensors. m4 and m48 ecu s can leverage the 5 wire technology by connecting a motec plm, which has a definable analog voltage output, to the lambda input on the ecu.
bosch lsu and ntk uego sensors - both the motec m400/600/800/880 and the motec plm are capable of operating with either the ntk uego or the bosch lsu-4 5 wire wide band sensors. of the two, the ntk is most accurate. it is a true laboratory grade sensor. its accuracy has been found to be about 1.5% better than that of the bosch lsu. additionally the ntk has a better response time than does the lsu again about 1.5%. the ntk is the benchmark against which the lsu is measured. the advantage of the lsu sensor is its lower price compared to the ntk. if you are doing very precise and accurate laboratory type testing, the ntk is the sensor for you. both sensors have a life expectancy of 500 hours on unleaded fuels and that number is diminished to 50 hours using leaded fuels. lambda sensors are very similar to spark plugs with respect to their estimated life expectancy. spark plugs are designed to last 40,000 miles under optimum circumstances but they can be damaged in less than 1 mile by misuse. a lambda sensor can be thought of the same way. misuse by overly rich mixtures, high temperatures, overtightening or dropping can have a very negative effect on lambda sensor life. like spark plugs, lambda sensors cannot be returned under warranty.
quick lambda and lambda was - a motec ecu, allows the user to define a lambda goal table based on load and rpm. the quick lambda function in the software allows a tuner to quickly adjust the values in the fuel control table to achieve the goal lambda, based on the lambda reported by the sensor. if the reported lambda is .98 and the goal is .93, the ecu automatically jumps to the current load site, and multiplies the value in the site by 1.05. the next time the engine runs in that site, the lambda will be .93. similarly, lambda was allows a user to locate a load and rpm site in the main fuel table and enter a recorded lambda measurement from a data log. the ecu multiplies the load site value by the difference between entered lambda and the goal lambda value so that the engine will achieve the goal lambda the next time it runs on that load site. this makes tuning much faster and easier than calculating the required enrichment based on an air fuel ratio number. of course you can manually do multiplication, division, addition and or subtraction on any site or a number of sites with only a few keystrokes, and the overall trim function allows you to trim the entire fuel or ignition table up or down based on percentage.
lambda control - there are two types of control methods used in closed loop fueling. narrow band closed loop control attempts to keep the air fuel ratio pertubating (dithering) slightly richer and slightly leaner than stoichiometric for emissions control. in a motec ecu, narrow band control is simply turned on or off based on load and rpm. wide band closed loop control measures the current lambda and adjusts the fuel delivered to the engine, by comparing the measured lambda to the preset lambda goal table.
configurability - motec ecu s are well known for their ability to be customized to meet the demands of nearly any application. software configurable hardware within the ecu allows a tuner to match the requirements of any inductive or capacitive discharge type ignition available. triggering can be done using hall effect, magnetic pickup, logic level switch or optical sensor. there are specific modes which are selectable to allow motec to read ls-1, lt-1 opti-spark, ford tfi, subaru, honda, mazda, bmw, nissan, toyota, as well as aftermarket flying magnet or hall type crank triggers. if you make a change to a new type of trigger wheel, motec allows you to simply redefine the signals in software. no need to send your ecu in for hardware upgrade. every motec ecu can be configured quickly so it is possible to borrow an ecu, send your calibration file to the new ecu and be up and running in merely seconds.
data logging - motec m4 and m48 ecu s feature 512kbyte non-volatile logging memory space. m800 s feature a full megabyte of logging space and the m880 is available with up to 4 megabytes of logging memory. tuners can select which items they want to log, and what rate they wish to sample. m4 and m48 can sample up to 20 times per second (.050 seconds) while m800/880 max out at 200 times per second (.005 seconds) maximum logging time is dependant on the number of items being logged and the rate at which you are logging.m4 and m48 maximum logging time is 382 minutes at 1 sample per second. if the logging memory becomes full, motec automatically begins logging over the top of the existing log ensuring that you will always have the most recent data available in your log when it is retrieved.
rpm limiting - rpm limiting can be done a number of ways using motec. software allows you to select whether your cut will be based on fuel only, ignition only, fuel with ignition 100 rpm above, ignition with fuel 100 rpm above or both fuel and ignition at the same time. an adjustable control range allows the tuner to set the harshness of the cut and an adjustable randomizer gives the tuner the opportunity to get a fully random cut no matter what number of cylinders the engine has. the overall rpm limit sets the maximum engine rpm you want the engine to ever see. other cuts allow starting line rev limits which typically are lower than the maximum rpm limit. using a 9 position trim switch, motec can provide you with 9 separate, driver selectable rpm limits for ultimate adjustability to conditions without the need for a laptop to change the setting.
oddfire tables - tables in the ecu describe the oddfire angle in crank degrees for use on oddfire engines such as the viper v-10, harley davidson v-twin and the chevy v-6. simply tell the ecu the number of degrees past tdc number 1 that each cylinder arrives at its own tdc. a special requirement for triggering is needed to run the oddfire engines. the crank input must have at least 1 tooth per tdc and they must be evenly spaced. this usually requires a 12 tooth wheel in the case of the v-6 chevy. motec cdi-8 capacitive discharge ignition can be used to supply the spark to oddfire engines of 8 cylinders or less controlled directly by a motec ecu. for engines with greater than 8 cylinders, 2 cdi-8 s can be used.
cdi-8 ignition - capacitive discharge ignition has been used in racing and in some automobiles for a number of years. motec offers one of the industry s most advanced capacitive discharge ignition systems available. the cdi-8 is an 8 channel cd ignition which can either run in stand alone mode (meaning it does not require an ecu to run it) or in slave mode. in slave mode, the cdi-8 receives an encoded signal from a motec ecu which tells it which coil output to fire. in this mode, a cdi-8 can deliver a full energy spark at up to 1.1khz which is enough to keep up with an 8 cylinder engine turning 16,000 rpm
high/low injection capability - on many types of racing engines, tuners may find improved efficiency by changing the physical location of the injector in relation to the intake valve. motec allows the user to run 2 sets of injectors in the inlet path and switch from one to the other with a 3 dimensional table based on load and rpm. typically this feature is used when an engine is making substantial amounts of horsepower but requires only small amounts of fuel at low speeds. in this case, the tuner can select 2 injectors of differing flow rates, one for low speed operation, the other for high speed/power operation. motec allows you to define the flow differential between the 2 injectors, so that the proper amount of fuel can be delivered out of each injector. another way to use the motec high/low capability, is to use 2 injectors of equal flow rate, but located at different points in the inlet path. in this manner, fuel injection location can be varied at certain points in the rpm band to provide the highest efficiency. of course motec allows you to enrich or enlean the engine at the transition from 1 set of injectors to the other to provide seamless operation.
crank index position - the crank index position is perhaps the most important timing value in the ecu. the crip tells the ecu where the engine is in relation to tdc cylinder #1. the crip is defined as the distance in crankshaft degrees, between the reference tooth when it is aligned with the crankshaft position sensor, and top dead center compression number 1. for example, if the reference tooth is aligned with the crankshaft sensor when the crankshaft is 55 degrees before tdc compression number 1, then the crip is 55. an easy way to determine the crip before startup is to rotate the crankshaft in the direction of rotation until the reference tooth is aligned with the crankshaft position sensor. then measure the number of degrees, required to turn the crankshaft in the direction of rotation until the number 1 cylinder is at top dead center of the compression stroke. once you determine this value, you may start the engine and enter the crip set screen under the ignition menu. use a non dial-back timing light to check the crip. the timing advance displayed in the crip set screen should match the measured value using the timing light. if they do not match, move the crip value until the timing does match.
reference tooth - the definition of the reference tooth depends on the type of ref/sync mode being used. if using missing or extra tooth type modes, the reference tooth is defined as the tooth which occurs directly following the missing or extra tooth or teeth. if using 1 tooth per tdc or multiple tooth mode with a sync input, the reference tooth is defined as the tooth which occurs directly following the sync input.
rotary ignition split - factory rotary engines use 2 spark plugs per rotor. both spark plugs in a common rotor are not fired at the same time. there is a delay between the time when the leading spark plug is fired, and when the trailing spark plug is fired. motec wrote special software to be able to mimic this type of ignition control for rotaries in the m4 and m800/880. a table is available to define differing amounts of timing split to suit any application and driving condition. of course if you do not wish to use the split timing function motec can accomodate that as well.
auxiliary tables - motec engine management systems are extremely adaptable to differing engine requirements. one way motec makes this possible is through the use of tuner definable output controls. a 3 dimensional table can be selected by the tuner with several inputs available to use as the table axes. typically engine rpm, engine temperature, air temperature, manifold pressure, throttle position and auxiliary inputs are available to set up the table. tuners typically use this type of control for engines which have switchable cam profiles such as the honda v-tec. the 3d table can be set so to throttle position versus rpm for example and the tuner can turn on the v-tec based not only on rpm but also load so the cam timing can be optimized for varying loads.
fully variable camshaft timing - motec is proud to be the industry leader in the aftermarket for controlling engines with fully variable camshafts. we have several special modes written to allow full control of up to 4 fully variable camshafts per engine such as the dual vanos bmw v8 using our m800/880 series of engine management systems. special ref/sync modes were written to allow the tuner to use the stock trigger wheels and sensors. camshaft timing can be independently adjusted for each cam in 1/2 degree increments based on rpm and load. with full adjustment of camshaft opening and closing points, the engine s volumetric efficiency curve can be stretched providing optimum cylinder filling over a much wider range of rpm, increasing the average horsepower and ultimately making the car faster.
drive by wire control - motec is the first in the industry to adopt drive by wire throttle control using oe components. many of the newer models of cars are equipped with electronic throttle control. motec retains all of the standard redundant sensors that the factory uses for safety. in addition to very precise control of the throttle position, throttle by wire also incorporates idle speed control and traction control. motec drive by wire is available for certain bosch, delphi and nissan systems using our m800/880 series of engine management systems and we are working on additional drive by wire systems on a daily basis. if you are interested, please call to discuss your system s requirements.
telemetry - all motec products offer the ability to transmit data from the ecu using a 3rd party radio, to a pc using another radio, for real time monitoring of engine functions. the telemetry option allows the ecu to transmit this data over the radio s and motec s telemetry monitor software allows the tuner to view the data remotely. note that telemetry is for real time analysis only. no data storage is done on the pc, however the ecu will still be able to log the data.
remote logging - when used in conjunction with the motec telemetry option, remote logging allows the data which is monitored with telemetry monitor, to be stored on the pc and converted to a data format which is readable using motec interpreter, our data analysis software. note that the telemetry option must be enabled in order for remote logging to function.
cold junction compensation - when a thermocouple is connected to a measuring device, the variance in resistance of the connectors between the thermocouple and the device, create a voltage drop. the drop in voltage means that the signal input from the thermocouple will be incorrectly reported. additionally, the temperature at the connection point affects the sensor signal. it is therefore extremely important that the temperature at the connection point be measured and accounted for for the thermocouple to report an accurate signal. motec expansion modules accomplish this by measuring the temperature at the connection point so the signal can be adjusted and more accurately reported.
controller area network (can) - a communication network for several devices similar to a lan (local area network) used in personal computers. the can bus allows many devices to be connected via 2 wires and share information with each other as needed. motec uses can to communicate with the adl2 and m400/600/800/880 ecu s from the laptop. in addition, these devices as well as the br2, plm, e888/e816 and other can enabled units can be connected onto the bus to provide additional input and output capability without the need to use physical connections on the devices.
e se na bastar tem este bando de bobos que usam, testam e participam de semin?rios sobre os equipamentos da marca.
- david money
fsae alumni / vintage racecar trackside support engineer
san antonio, texas
- mike conte
driver, cart/toyota atlantic
- pierre-alexis tetaz
data acquisition engineer oreca team viper
- eric fenaux
test and development engineer psa peugeot citroen france
- marie-pierre fauroux
student estaca automotive engineering university paris france
- pascal vasselon
michelin s f1 project manager.
- patrick dimarco,
nascar resident engineer, ford motor company
- john porcella
race car engineer
derhaag motorsports #40 & #59
bf goodrich trans am series
- octavio guazzelli,
owner and president of tetra technology ltd., brazil,
former chief telemetry engineer of minardi f1 team, 1988-92
- nic olson,
ap racing race engineer giving technical support at alms races.
- craig watkins
team engineer for johannes van overbeek and justin marks
porsche 996 cup cars speedvision worldchallange gt series g&w motorsports
patrick coorey,
engineer f3000 super nova racing limited
- ryan hunter-reay,
racing driver, champ car world series
- ross holder,
racing consulting engineer,
deep thought pty ltd, australia
- steve bunkhall
steve bunkhall is a race engineer in f3000 and in the dtm. he is also a technical contributor to race car engineering magazine
- garrett drysdale
engineer/driver formula mazda, drysdale motorsports
- owen hayes
porsche motorsport, weissach, germany
- brett francis
principal - bf racing
- laurent mekies
race engineer, asiatech f1
- paul vanvalkenburgh
author of the textbook race car engineering and mechanics
- paul haney
author of two books including inside racing technology, a motorsports best seller. his web site is http://www.insideracingtechnology.com/
e muitos outros que não vou colocar porque o espaço não dá…
agora posta ai o aem para a galera avaliar, eu já conheão e operei os dois.
não estou desmerecendo o aem, mas simplesmente não tem nem como começar a comparação de equipamento para equipamento.
para começar não conheão carro de circuito que utilize o equipamento (digo carro de ponta ou de equipe importante). somente carros de d1 patrocinados por ela e carros de arrancada.
já o motec é utilizado na grande maioria dos carros de rally, formulas, dtm, drag race, pikes, circuito, inclusive na f1.
pequenas diferenças:
análise de frenagem e aceleração em tempo real e armazenível.
posicionamento de direção,
indica rotação do diferencial, pneus, carda, (se houver), embreagem…
indica inclinação de carroceria, aceleração g, o que dá para saber se os amortecedores estão corretos ou não.
é largamente utilizada em carros ?sériosó de competição de circuito, rally e drag race.
faz compensações imediatas program?veis por mapas individuais e ou interligados para: relações de marchas, altitude, egt, pressão de escapamento, pressão de combustivel, pressão de turbo, temperatura de combustável, temperatura de ar, rotação de rodas (independentes se for o caso), lambda...
é a única que conheão e testei capaz de controlar bicos injetores de 1600cc com a máxima perfeição, até podendo controlar os bicos de 1600cc na marcha lenta, inclusive podendo monitorar e controlar os bicos individualmente.
todos os sensores possuem alarme individual.
é capaz de monitorar a temperatura da caixa de marchas, diferencial e embreagem.
possui 1mega de memória para armazenamento.
pode controlar em sistema em modo seq?encial individualmente a cada injetor.
os mapas de injeção e ignição são 20 x 40
podem trabalhar com wideband nkt
pode operar em modo de segurança programóvel
possui função de auto-ajuste e correção.
pode ser conectada a vêrios sensores imagin?veis e operar sobre os mesmos.
pode ser ligada a um painel fornecido pelo fabricante.
pode ser ligada a até oito sensores termocouple nas sa?das de escapamento, inclusive monitorando veículos como top fuel.
controla ponto e injeção para largada e diversas fases de aceleração e/ou parametros diversos...
tem 16 entradas anal?gicas, 4 digitais, e 8 saidas para acessórios que podem ser monitorados e alterados pelo modulo, fora os módulos de expansão.
e tem mais....
sequential fuel injection - sequential means that each injector for each cylinder is triggered only one time during the engine s cycle. typically the injector is triggered only during the intake stroke. true sequential injection requires the ecu to know not only where top dead center is, but also which half of the cycle the engine is on. tdc on a 4 stroke occurs 2 times during the cycle, once on compression and once on exhaust. motec references all timing events that occur within the ecu, to top dead center compression. this generally requires an input on the engine s camshaft to provide the ecu with a sync signal. once the ecu is synched, injection timing can be optimized to provide the most efficient mixing of fuel and air into the cylinder. control of injection timing can lead to increases in midrange torque while decreasing emissions and fuel consumption.
semi-sequential fuel injection - semi-sequential means that 2 or more cylinder s injectors are triggered at the same time, but only 1 time during the engine s cycle. this requires the ecu to be synched with the engine s cycle. typically injection timing is retarded from the optimum timing point for full sequential by an angle which is equal to 1/2 the angle between 2 cylinders in crankshaft degrees. on a v8 chevrolet, the injectors for cylinders 1 and 8 would be triggered at the same time. they would be triggered 45 degrees late for cylinder number 1 and 45 degrees early for cylinder number 8. degrees between 1 and 8 = 90 ; 1/2 of 90 = 45. semi-sequential allows optimization of injection timing which typically leads to increases in midrange torque and a reduction in fuel consumption for equivalent power compared which batch fire.
injection timing - with a synced engine which uses 1 injector in each intake manifold runner, it is possible to phase the firing of the injector so that it only sprays during the intake stroke. this allows you to introduce fuel into the intake stream precisely at the time when the airflow into the cylinder is the greatest providing the best possible atomization and the highest efficiency. motec offers a user definable 2 or 3 dimensional injection timing adjustment table so that you can accurately match any engine s injection timing demands. tuners can select either beginning or end of injection on which to base the timing table. this allows the tuner the ultimate in adjustability to suit any engine combination. with the m4 and m48 ecu s injection timing is adjustable in 5 degree increments while the m400/600/800 series offer .1 degree resolution making them suitable for gasoline or diesel direct injection.
batch fire - batch fire means that 2 or more injectors are triggered at the same time once every crankshaft revolution. if the ecu is synched with the engine s cycle, the injection timing can only be half optimized as fuel is injected both on the intake stroke and on the power stroke. companion cylinders are paired in batch fire mode similar to wasted spark ignition modes. the advantage of batch firing is that the ecu needs only to know where tdc is. this means that a sync on the cam is not required. the disadvantage to batch firing is that the injector dead time is doubled for the engine s cycle. this leads to a decrease in fuel flow and typically requires a larger, less efficient injector to be used to make up for the loss of flow. on high horsepower applications this means the idle quality will suffer tremendously.
injector dead time - injector dead time refers to the latency of the injector in producing maximum flow rate. all injectors require a certain amount of time to open completely and produce maximum flow. the amount of time is dependant on several variables including; fuel pressure, battery voltage and physical characteristics of the injectors themselves. typically higher fuel pressure or lower battery voltage tends to increase the dead time. this leads to a reduction in fuel flow in to the engine and as a result influences the engine s state of tune. luckily motec allows the user to define an injector dead time table if the values are known, or use a standard compensation which is known for a number of injectors. the ecu automatically adjusts the values as the battery voltage changes to ensure that the fuel curve remains constant. if a fuel pressure input is used on the system, motec can compensate for variations in fuel pressure to achieve a consistent fueling even with varying fuel pressures.
bank to bank - multipoint - bank to bank - multipoint is the least efficient electronic method of injecting fuel into an engine. each injector is physically located in a position which allows its fuel output to be delivered to a single cylinder, but the fuel is injected once per rev and injection timing is of no real value even if the ecu is synched to the engine s cycle because an entire bank of cylinder s injectors are fired at the same time. the advantage of bank to bank is that the ecu typically does not need to be synched at all. this makes it a simple retrofit to engines which never used crank or cam triggers, because it can run the engine with simply 1 pulse per cylinder firing. ignition timing can still be adjusted, but it is required that the engine use a mechanical distributor to distribute spark from 1 coil. no individual cylinder trimming is possible.
individual cylinder trim - when an ecu is synched to the engine s cycle, it becomes possible to individually adjust a cylinder s ignition advance and also if the engine is full sequential, the amount of fuel which is supplied to that cylinder. motec allows individual overall trims of each cylinder s ignition and fuel quantity in all models. in the m4 and the m400/600/800, individual cylinder trim tables are provided which allow the tuner to vary the timing and the fueling based on rpm and load. typically fully variable ignition advance requires the use of multiple coils to avoid rotor-tip to cap-terminal alignment problems which may lead to spark scatter. additionally if a single inductive type coil is used, it is possible if high fluctuations in advance occur between cylinders, that the coil does not have sufficient time to charge which leads to reduced coil output energy and possible misfire.
bank to bank - singlepoint - singlepoint involves placing the injectors in a single common injection point in the inlet path. this is typically done on roots or screw supercharged engines and some normally aspirated engines. this provides the least efficient method of using electronic fuel injection. about the only method which provides less control is carburetion. from a power standpoint, single point is not tremendously worse. fuel consumption is typically significantly increased over any of the above methods. there is virtually no control possible as far as each cylinder is concerned and the inherent problems of delivering 2 substances with differing mass through the same passages an into the combustion chamber are present. the advantage of singlepoint is that it does not require the ecu to be synched in any way. motec makes an attempt to smooth out the fuel delivery of singlepoint by triggering the injector drives in a staggered manner. this provides a smoother more consistent delivery of fuel and reduces the instantaneous drain on the battery/charging system which can lead to ignition misfire in other systems.
narrow band lambda - narrow band lambda provides an output voltage between .1v and 1.0v dc based on the oxygen differential between the exhaust pipe and the atmosphere. this can give an indication of the air fuel ratio at which the engine is running however the sensor range is limited to ratios of about 14.0:1 (1.0v) and 15.4:1(.1v). at ratios beyond this range, the sensor output does not increase or decrease making it virtually useless for tuning an engine for anything other than steady state cruising. the advantage of narrow band lambda comes into play while trying to keep emissions in check. the sensor provides a signal to the ecu which basically indicates either rich (output voltage above .5v air fuel less than 14.7) or lean (output voltage below .5v air fuel greater than 14.7) but really does not describe to what degree the mixture is either rich or lean. this is fits perfectly in with the need for perturbation of today s 3 way catalysts which need excess air to catalyze hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide, and excess fuel with which to reduce oxides of nitrogen. because of this requirement by the catalyst, narrow band lambda control is constantly varying the air/fuel ratio both slightly above and below 14.7:1 in such a manner that the average air fuel ratio is maintained at 14.7:1. most engines in use today, produce peak power with air fuel ratios in the 12:1 - 13.5:1 range well below the measuring capability of a narrow band lambda sensor. it is for this reason that narrow band lambda is of no help for high loads and or rpm s.
wide band lambda - wide band lambda provides the ecu with a specific definition of the air fuel ratio at which the engine is currently running. wide band sensors are able to depict air fuel ratio s as rich as 10.5:1 and as lean as 18:1 and report the exact lambda to the ecu. this is done a number of ways. motec m4 and m48 ecu s use bosch 4 wire wide band lambda sensors to measure wide band lambda. motec m400/600/800/880 ecu s use either the bosch lsu or the ntk uego 5 wire wide band lambda sensor. motec then uses this information to determine the actual lambda and displays this on the console and or uses it for lambda control if the ecu is set up to do so.
4 wire wide band lambda sensor - this technology takes advantage of the fact that a 4 wire wide band lambda sensor s voltage output is based on not only the oxygen differential between the exhaust pipe and atmosphere, but also is dependant on the temperature of the sensor itself. sensor impedance varies with temperature, so a motec ecu measures not only wide band lambda voltage, but also the sensor impedance. it is not possible to properly display lambdas without monitoring the sensor temperature. systems which do not use at least a 4 wire sensor typically have errors in displayed lambda as high as 8%
5 wire wide band lambda sensor - this newer technology is used to determine the air fuel ratio of an engine by measuring lambda sensor output and measuring the current required to hold the sensor voltage output constant. an oxygen sensor produces voltage and a small amount of current as oxygen atoms pass across its substrate from high concentration to low concentration. the greater the flow of oxygen, the greater the voltage produced. this is the case when a rich mixture is encountered. conversely, when current is applied to an oxygen sensor, oxygen atoms are moved from a low concentration to a high concentration or vice versa depending on the polarity of the current applied. the motec m400/600/800/880 ecu s are capable of measuring this type of sensor input which offers increased speed and accuracy over the older technology 4 wire sensors. m4 and m48 ecu s can leverage the 5 wire technology by connecting a motec plm, which has a definable analog voltage output, to the lambda input on the ecu.
bosch lsu and ntk uego sensors - both the motec m400/600/800/880 and the motec plm are capable of operating with either the ntk uego or the bosch lsu-4 5 wire wide band sensors. of the two, the ntk is most accurate. it is a true laboratory grade sensor. its accuracy has been found to be about 1.5% better than that of the bosch lsu. additionally the ntk has a better response time than does the lsu again about 1.5%. the ntk is the benchmark against which the lsu is measured. the advantage of the lsu sensor is its lower price compared to the ntk. if you are doing very precise and accurate laboratory type testing, the ntk is the sensor for you. both sensors have a life expectancy of 500 hours on unleaded fuels and that number is diminished to 50 hours using leaded fuels. lambda sensors are very similar to spark plugs with respect to their estimated life expectancy. spark plugs are designed to last 40,000 miles under optimum circumstances but they can be damaged in less than 1 mile by misuse. a lambda sensor can be thought of the same way. misuse by overly rich mixtures, high temperatures, overtightening or dropping can have a very negative effect on lambda sensor life. like spark plugs, lambda sensors cannot be returned under warranty.
quick lambda and lambda was - a motec ecu, allows the user to define a lambda goal table based on load and rpm. the quick lambda function in the software allows a tuner to quickly adjust the values in the fuel control table to achieve the goal lambda, based on the lambda reported by the sensor. if the reported lambda is .98 and the goal is .93, the ecu automatically jumps to the current load site, and multiplies the value in the site by 1.05. the next time the engine runs in that site, the lambda will be .93. similarly, lambda was allows a user to locate a load and rpm site in the main fuel table and enter a recorded lambda measurement from a data log. the ecu multiplies the load site value by the difference between entered lambda and the goal lambda value so that the engine will achieve the goal lambda the next time it runs on that load site. this makes tuning much faster and easier than calculating the required enrichment based on an air fuel ratio number. of course you can manually do multiplication, division, addition and or subtraction on any site or a number of sites with only a few keystrokes, and the overall trim function allows you to trim the entire fuel or ignition table up or down based on percentage.
lambda control - there are two types of control methods used in closed loop fueling. narrow band closed loop control attempts to keep the air fuel ratio pertubating (dithering) slightly richer and slightly leaner than stoichiometric for emissions control. in a motec ecu, narrow band control is simply turned on or off based on load and rpm. wide band closed loop control measures the current lambda and adjusts the fuel delivered to the engine, by comparing the measured lambda to the preset lambda goal table.
configurability - motec ecu s are well known for their ability to be customized to meet the demands of nearly any application. software configurable hardware within the ecu allows a tuner to match the requirements of any inductive or capacitive discharge type ignition available. triggering can be done using hall effect, magnetic pickup, logic level switch or optical sensor. there are specific modes which are selectable to allow motec to read ls-1, lt-1 opti-spark, ford tfi, subaru, honda, mazda, bmw, nissan, toyota, as well as aftermarket flying magnet or hall type crank triggers. if you make a change to a new type of trigger wheel, motec allows you to simply redefine the signals in software. no need to send your ecu in for hardware upgrade. every motec ecu can be configured quickly so it is possible to borrow an ecu, send your calibration file to the new ecu and be up and running in merely seconds.
data logging - motec m4 and m48 ecu s feature 512kbyte non-volatile logging memory space. m800 s feature a full megabyte of logging space and the m880 is available with up to 4 megabytes of logging memory. tuners can select which items they want to log, and what rate they wish to sample. m4 and m48 can sample up to 20 times per second (.050 seconds) while m800/880 max out at 200 times per second (.005 seconds) maximum logging time is dependant on the number of items being logged and the rate at which you are logging.m4 and m48 maximum logging time is 382 minutes at 1 sample per second. if the logging memory becomes full, motec automatically begins logging over the top of the existing log ensuring that you will always have the most recent data available in your log when it is retrieved.
rpm limiting - rpm limiting can be done a number of ways using motec. software allows you to select whether your cut will be based on fuel only, ignition only, fuel with ignition 100 rpm above, ignition with fuel 100 rpm above or both fuel and ignition at the same time. an adjustable control range allows the tuner to set the harshness of the cut and an adjustable randomizer gives the tuner the opportunity to get a fully random cut no matter what number of cylinders the engine has. the overall rpm limit sets the maximum engine rpm you want the engine to ever see. other cuts allow starting line rev limits which typically are lower than the maximum rpm limit. using a 9 position trim switch, motec can provide you with 9 separate, driver selectable rpm limits for ultimate adjustability to conditions without the need for a laptop to change the setting.
oddfire tables - tables in the ecu describe the oddfire angle in crank degrees for use on oddfire engines such as the viper v-10, harley davidson v-twin and the chevy v-6. simply tell the ecu the number of degrees past tdc number 1 that each cylinder arrives at its own tdc. a special requirement for triggering is needed to run the oddfire engines. the crank input must have at least 1 tooth per tdc and they must be evenly spaced. this usually requires a 12 tooth wheel in the case of the v-6 chevy. motec cdi-8 capacitive discharge ignition can be used to supply the spark to oddfire engines of 8 cylinders or less controlled directly by a motec ecu. for engines with greater than 8 cylinders, 2 cdi-8 s can be used.
cdi-8 ignition - capacitive discharge ignition has been used in racing and in some automobiles for a number of years. motec offers one of the industry s most advanced capacitive discharge ignition systems available. the cdi-8 is an 8 channel cd ignition which can either run in stand alone mode (meaning it does not require an ecu to run it) or in slave mode. in slave mode, the cdi-8 receives an encoded signal from a motec ecu which tells it which coil output to fire. in this mode, a cdi-8 can deliver a full energy spark at up to 1.1khz which is enough to keep up with an 8 cylinder engine turning 16,000 rpm
high/low injection capability - on many types of racing engines, tuners may find improved efficiency by changing the physical location of the injector in relation to the intake valve. motec allows the user to run 2 sets of injectors in the inlet path and switch from one to the other with a 3 dimensional table based on load and rpm. typically this feature is used when an engine is making substantial amounts of horsepower but requires only small amounts of fuel at low speeds. in this case, the tuner can select 2 injectors of differing flow rates, one for low speed operation, the other for high speed/power operation. motec allows you to define the flow differential between the 2 injectors, so that the proper amount of fuel can be delivered out of each injector. another way to use the motec high/low capability, is to use 2 injectors of equal flow rate, but located at different points in the inlet path. in this manner, fuel injection location can be varied at certain points in the rpm band to provide the highest efficiency. of course motec allows you to enrich or enlean the engine at the transition from 1 set of injectors to the other to provide seamless operation.
crank index position - the crank index position is perhaps the most important timing value in the ecu. the crip tells the ecu where the engine is in relation to tdc cylinder #1. the crip is defined as the distance in crankshaft degrees, between the reference tooth when it is aligned with the crankshaft position sensor, and top dead center compression number 1. for example, if the reference tooth is aligned with the crankshaft sensor when the crankshaft is 55 degrees before tdc compression number 1, then the crip is 55. an easy way to determine the crip before startup is to rotate the crankshaft in the direction of rotation until the reference tooth is aligned with the crankshaft position sensor. then measure the number of degrees, required to turn the crankshaft in the direction of rotation until the number 1 cylinder is at top dead center of the compression stroke. once you determine this value, you may start the engine and enter the crip set screen under the ignition menu. use a non dial-back timing light to check the crip. the timing advance displayed in the crip set screen should match the measured value using the timing light. if they do not match, move the crip value until the timing does match.
reference tooth - the definition of the reference tooth depends on the type of ref/sync mode being used. if using missing or extra tooth type modes, the reference tooth is defined as the tooth which occurs directly following the missing or extra tooth or teeth. if using 1 tooth per tdc or multiple tooth mode with a sync input, the reference tooth is defined as the tooth which occurs directly following the sync input.
rotary ignition split - factory rotary engines use 2 spark plugs per rotor. both spark plugs in a common rotor are not fired at the same time. there is a delay between the time when the leading spark plug is fired, and when the trailing spark plug is fired. motec wrote special software to be able to mimic this type of ignition control for rotaries in the m4 and m800/880. a table is available to define differing amounts of timing split to suit any application and driving condition. of course if you do not wish to use the split timing function motec can accomodate that as well.
auxiliary tables - motec engine management systems are extremely adaptable to differing engine requirements. one way motec makes this possible is through the use of tuner definable output controls. a 3 dimensional table can be selected by the tuner with several inputs available to use as the table axes. typically engine rpm, engine temperature, air temperature, manifold pressure, throttle position and auxiliary inputs are available to set up the table. tuners typically use this type of control for engines which have switchable cam profiles such as the honda v-tec. the 3d table can be set so to throttle position versus rpm for example and the tuner can turn on the v-tec based not only on rpm but also load so the cam timing can be optimized for varying loads.
fully variable camshaft timing - motec is proud to be the industry leader in the aftermarket for controlling engines with fully variable camshafts. we have several special modes written to allow full control of up to 4 fully variable camshafts per engine such as the dual vanos bmw v8 using our m800/880 series of engine management systems. special ref/sync modes were written to allow the tuner to use the stock trigger wheels and sensors. camshaft timing can be independently adjusted for each cam in 1/2 degree increments based on rpm and load. with full adjustment of camshaft opening and closing points, the engine s volumetric efficiency curve can be stretched providing optimum cylinder filling over a much wider range of rpm, increasing the average horsepower and ultimately making the car faster.
drive by wire control - motec is the first in the industry to adopt drive by wire throttle control using oe components. many of the newer models of cars are equipped with electronic throttle control. motec retains all of the standard redundant sensors that the factory uses for safety. in addition to very precise control of the throttle position, throttle by wire also incorporates idle speed control and traction control. motec drive by wire is available for certain bosch, delphi and nissan systems using our m800/880 series of engine management systems and we are working on additional drive by wire systems on a daily basis. if you are interested, please call to discuss your system s requirements.
telemetry - all motec products offer the ability to transmit data from the ecu using a 3rd party radio, to a pc using another radio, for real time monitoring of engine functions. the telemetry option allows the ecu to transmit this data over the radio s and motec s telemetry monitor software allows the tuner to view the data remotely. note that telemetry is for real time analysis only. no data storage is done on the pc, however the ecu will still be able to log the data.
remote logging - when used in conjunction with the motec telemetry option, remote logging allows the data which is monitored with telemetry monitor, to be stored on the pc and converted to a data format which is readable using motec interpreter, our data analysis software. note that the telemetry option must be enabled in order for remote logging to function.
cold junction compensation - when a thermocouple is connected to a measuring device, the variance in resistance of the connectors between the thermocouple and the device, create a voltage drop. the drop in voltage means that the signal input from the thermocouple will be incorrectly reported. additionally, the temperature at the connection point affects the sensor signal. it is therefore extremely important that the temperature at the connection point be measured and accounted for for the thermocouple to report an accurate signal. motec expansion modules accomplish this by measuring the temperature at the connection point so the signal can be adjusted and more accurately reported.
controller area network (can) - a communication network for several devices similar to a lan (local area network) used in personal computers. the can bus allows many devices to be connected via 2 wires and share information with each other as needed. motec uses can to communicate with the adl2 and m400/600/800/880 ecu s from the laptop. in addition, these devices as well as the br2, plm, e888/e816 and other can enabled units can be connected onto the bus to provide additional input and output capability without the need to use physical connections on the devices.
e se na bastar tem este bando de bobos que usam, testam e participam de semin?rios sobre os equipamentos da marca.
- david money
fsae alumni / vintage racecar trackside support engineer
san antonio, texas
- mike conte
driver, cart/toyota atlantic
- pierre-alexis tetaz
data acquisition engineer oreca team viper
- eric fenaux
test and development engineer psa peugeot citroen france
- marie-pierre fauroux
student estaca automotive engineering university paris france
- pascal vasselon
michelin s f1 project manager.
- patrick dimarco,
nascar resident engineer, ford motor company
- john porcella
race car engineer
derhaag motorsports #40 & #59
bf goodrich trans am series
- octavio guazzelli,
owner and president of tetra technology ltd., brazil,
former chief telemetry engineer of minardi f1 team, 1988-92
- nic olson,
ap racing race engineer giving technical support at alms races.
- craig watkins
team engineer for johannes van overbeek and justin marks
porsche 996 cup cars speedvision worldchallange gt series g&w motorsports
patrick coorey,
engineer f3000 super nova racing limited
- ryan hunter-reay,
racing driver, champ car world series
- ross holder,
racing consulting engineer,
deep thought pty ltd, australia
- steve bunkhall
steve bunkhall is a race engineer in f3000 and in the dtm. he is also a technical contributor to race car engineering magazine
- garrett drysdale
engineer/driver formula mazda, drysdale motorsports
- owen hayes
porsche motorsport, weissach, germany
- brett francis
principal - bf racing
- laurent mekies
race engineer, asiatech f1
- paul vanvalkenburgh
author of the textbook race car engineering and mechanics
- paul haney
author of two books including inside racing technology, a motorsports best seller. his web site is http://www.insideracingtechnology.com/
e muitos outros que não vou colocar porque o espaço não dá…
agora posta ai o aem para a galera avaliar, eu já conheão e operei os dois.
evandro, se voce conhecer a aem, vera que ela tem todos os recursos citados , exeto a telemetria de pista que não nos interessa.
se a calibração no chip for bem feita o resultado é n vezes melhor que a fueltech em termos de consumo com certeza, e arrisco dizer que em emissões e também performance no geral.
basta ver uma ecu dos modelos mais xumbr?gas (tipo gol 1.6 mi - iaw 1avp ou avb) e ver a estratégia dela… mapas de combustável, ponto, afr, correção de ponto e combustável por temperatura, além de atraso de ponto quando h? detonação.
claro que a fueltech conta com algumas dessas estratégias acima citadas, o lance eh que nunca vai chegar aos pos de uma ecu de fábrica. um módulo desses é perfeito qndo original (como vc msmo disse) e também pode ser perfeito (ou quase) quando remapeado por pessoa capacitada e com equipamentos adequados (leia-se software e emulador em tempo real, que não custam nem um pouco barato).
agora no quesito versatilidade pra acertar, a fueltech eh uma ótima vantagem, já que vc acerta tudo ali no controlador...
mesmo em uma adaptação mais complexa eu ainda acho vantajoso usar o módulo original (veja o caso do copyman que usa a motronic de vectra) tanto que tb tou optando por esse caminho ... deixando o chip pronto com avanço acertado pro turbo e combustável pra parte aspirada. qnd tiver pressão, use um módulo tipo mgb-t, his, fueltech ou sei lá o que pra comandar o(s) bico(s).
por favor não me leve a mal, pois são diferentes as linhas de pensamentos minhas e suas. entretanto convóm expor ambos os lados em um ambiente democr?tico
olha, no tempo de autopower testei n carros chipados e nenhum com potencia acima de 400 cavalos…e muitos destes ruins em alguma parte fora a aceleração plena...alguns apresentavam problemas no inicio, outro no final de aceleração etc..sinceramente não conheão carro com altos niveis de potencia controlados perfeitamente e unicamente pelo ecu original/modificado. como citei acima, sou mais a ft do que um chip, em qualquer fase. todos nosso carros passam nos testes de emissões de poluentes, tanto em marcha lenta como a 2500 rpm, nunca vi isto ser feito em um ecu original/modificado, ainda mais com potencia acima de 250 cavalos. mas temos que respeitar as preferencias não é mesmo? eu me dou bem com o equipamento. isso daria um bom papo regado a cerveja e aperitivos
eu me dou bem com o equipamento. isso daria um bom papo regado a cerveja e aperitivos
vem pra floripa , te pago um camarão na barra , hooo coisa boa, a ultima vez que fui la, foi com o andersom , o laffite e o evelino bastos , eita papo, e camarão bom demais
ta feito o convite
evandro, se voce conhecer a aem, vera que ela tem todos os recursos citados , exeto a telemetria de pista que não nos interessa.
pois é copy, acho que voces não estão entendendo…acho o aem otimo, mas em um carro sório de competição o motec dá um banho no aem...sei que ele vêrias funãoes que o motec possui..mas não da para comparar equipamento justamente pelo fato da telemetria trabalhar em conjunto com o sistema de ignição e injeção para o real acerto do carro. não estou comparando só alguns parametros, mas todo o conjunto.
vem pra floripa , te pago um camarão na barra , hooo coisa boa, a ultima vez que fui la, foi com o andersom , o laffite e o evelino bastos , eita papo, e camarão bom demais
ta feito o convite
ta combinado, devo entregar o carro do vicente em dezembro/janeiro e estarei em floripa para comer camarão e trocarmos idéias,… vou de focus...deixa a ervilha voadora pronta
pois é copy, acho que voces não estão entendendo…acho o aem otimo, mas em um carro sório de competição o motec dá um banho no aem...sei que ele vêrias funãoes que o motec possui..mas não da para comparar equipamento justamente pelo fato da telemetria trabalhar em conjunto com o sistema de ignição e injeção para o real acerto do carro. não estou comparando só alguns parametros, mas todo o conjunto.
heheh, evandro , isso é logico , não discuto , nunca foi proposito da aem ir para projetos ultra high performance , sem teletria remota de pista isso é impossivel , o que ela nos trouxe , foi recursos tão bons e avan?ados na parte de ems a um custo mais ameno. alem de implementar outros recursos que são importantes para preparados e na motec não estão presentes
quanto a fueltech , unanimidade é completa, simplismente soberba , deixa as ems da mesma categoria como as holley no chinelo.
não conhe?o, da mesma categoria melhor no mundo
ta combinado, devo entregar o carro do vicente em dezembro/janeiro e estarei em floripa para comer camarão e trocarmos idéias,… vou de focus...deixa a ervilha voadora pronta
eheheh, isso vai ser bom demais, não esquece de avisar para conbinarmos
só mais uma coisinha, a aem tambem uso telemtria onboard interagindo com ignição e combustivel , por cilindro, sequencialmente ou não , em todos os mapas , crusanto pirometros , sondas , knk etc, tem mapa individual por cilindro de knk , fuel , timing , etc etc etc , so não faz isso remotamente , nem varia parametros por trecho de pista remotamente.
quanto ao chip , devo discordar , 480hp roda com a motronic + fueltech amigo
quanto a ervilha , vai estar até encerada pra passar por cima do focus manco ai…..
tb acho um deserdicio…essa motronic eh muito interessante...
os bicos originais, apesar de ser um dos maiores bicos multiponto nacionais, nao alimenta nem 0,9 direito, garanto... se mexer na largura de pulso, seja com flextreco ou chip ou o que quer q vc queira, no maximo consegue uns 1.3 kg... com os bicos ja no limite... se for alcool, 1kg, estourando 1.1kg, tb no limite dos bicos...
tem quem ande com 1.7kg direto... sem mexer nos bicos... so com hpi, achando que estah rodando com mistura correta... estah sim pondo a prova a resistencia desse motor, que eh grande, felizmente....
bom, tenho um conhecido que fez remapeamento emtempo real e conseguio o alimentar 1,8bar…a principio o motor era original...naum sei se mecheu na pressão de combustivel....
olha, no tempo de autopower testei n carros chipados e nenhum com potencia acima de 400 cavalos…e muitos destes ruins em alguma parte fora a aceleração plena...alguns apresentavam problemas no inicio, outro no final de aceleração etc..sinceramente não conheão carro com altos niveis de potencia controlados perfeitamente e unicamente pelo ecu original/modificado. [snapback]340470[/snapback]
essas partes não eram citadas nos textos dos mesmos…
h a , e tem mais alguns tambem que a motec não tem,. hehehe, muitos são o mesmo recurso com nomes diferentes
já ia falar isso…hehehe
mas só analizando por cima:
10 bicos sequencias, 4 egt, 2 o2 wide, 5 saida ignição....fora as 16 i/o...e ae?
depois me tacham de achista ainda....hauhauhaua(naum to falando deste forum, mas é sempre eu tocar no assunto que vem estas discusões...hauhaua)
obs: ah, me ajudem a vender minha rodas 16 lá dos classificados...to loco pra catar minha aem....hahahaha